Sunday, August 13, 2006

Still haven't heard from hubby

I had stopped taking my meds because I was too lazy to call and refill as I'm not too sure they actually help. However, I was really feeling weird so finally got them on Friday. So, now I haven't heard from Michael and I worry as usual. Boy, I have a lot of work to do on the house.
till whenever then

Friday, August 11, 2006

Haven't heard from hubby in 24 hours.

Well, it's been about 24 hours since I have heard from Michael. I guessed he was going on a mission. He said he had to go so to me that's a sign he is out and about. I worry and won't quit worrying until he's home for good. I can't wait till he comes home in Oct. I know we will be busy during that time. John will be so happy to see him. I thought it would be a good idea if he takes John to gym and swimming. I think he'd enjoy it. John I know would.
Of course the only thing on the news is this Israel thing. Pretty much blew the 9/11 part deux thing right out of the news. Of course you don't hear a damn thing abut Iraq anymore which annoys me. Then they're praising to the skies these idiot American kids who go and fight for Israel who get killed over there. These fools won't fight for their own country, yet they'e hearalded as heroes over here. People talk about how the Muslims first debt is to their religion and not their country (IE: here) but the same could be said for the Jews. I don't get it. Both groups grow up in these wonderful western societies where they have the opportunity to have every freedom but these fools go and fight for their "religion". Strange.
Till tomorrow then.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Well, by May we will be in GA

Today hubby got his orders for Fort Gordon but it is unknown yet as to whether or not this a PCS move or just a TDY thing. Let's hope it's a PCS move but until we get the final word on that, I can't call Donna. Hubby signed out of the yahoo at 3 something in the morning his time. Wonder if he is on another mission. It is now almost 10 in the morning there and this is generally the time I can find him if he's around. till tomorrow then

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Does anyone see this but me?

Just a question, but does anyone see this but me? I guess when hubby comes home he can look at it.
I am sick of the condescension of the anti-war crowd towards soldiers who have lost limbs. This clown was on O'Reilly tonight condescending to a soldier who lost both of his legs with a BK amp. Anyway, this kid had been interviewed by the Boston Globe. It's hard to believe this kid didn't know the Globe was anti-war but . . . This report made the Sgt. come off looking like he was a fool. O'Reilly did try to show that perhaps the kid was taken in but seriously, if this guy is from MA and he doesn't know the Globe is anti-war and anti-Bush, I have to wonder.

Monday, August 07, 2006

More Random Musings part ?

Last night I was channel surfing and as usual absolutely nothing was on. I came across this "Flavor of Love" on VH1. I can't believe that this qualifies as entertaining television. The next show was a bunch of overweight former celebs who need to lose weight. It's really a vast wasteland. No wonder our country is in so much trouble.
Again the Fox news had on the stupid Dixie Twits who are now selling army green caps and dog tags at their concerts. It was wondered if perhaps they were ready to make nice the Troops. I doubt the Troops are ready to make nice with them now or ever. That bratty lead singer just can't keep her trap shut.
The ACLU needs to get a life. I can't stand these people who are "protecting" our rights. Yeah, right.
I have to take MC to the doctors today. Guess we'll be late getting home. I had thought about maybe going down to Sam Choys for dinner since we'll be stuck in traffic and I didn't go shopping today. However, we will see.
Got to talk to hubby for a few seconds. It was great! I miss him and can't wait for him to come home.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

I'm worn out

Today I am so tired and can't get motivated. I got to IM hubby this morning but he's not on tonight & I always worry about him. I am debating whether or not to send MC to school tomorrow. I'm leaning towards no.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Next stop Fort Gordon

Well today hubby got the happy news that he will be leaving the QM corp to the Automation Corp. He thinks the next class he will be able to make is sometime in early May. It would seem that he will not be making the class that begins on my birthday. He will still be transitioning out of Iraq and going wherever he will have to go to complete that and then signing out of Schofield Barracks-Hoohah! Aloha Ohe! I can't wait until he gets orders, first phone call will be to Donna (the Real Estate agent), portabox (to remove our excess stuff to ready the house for sale), the NEX to purchase the mirror for our bedroom suite (to qoute Hyacinth) for delivery the day we pack out!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Haven't heard from hubby today.

Well, I am worried again because I haven't heard from my husband today. I always worry when I don't hear from him. I realize Iraq isn't on the front pages, this Israel thing is nonstop. I'm tired of hearing about it. I guess the generals were up on Capitol Hill giving some poor news regarding Iraq today. yea rah. Well, I miss my husband very much and wish I could hear from him.