Sunday, November 21, 2010

So Keith got a ticket too bad the fine wasn't bigger

Keith got a ticket for not posting his triangular shaped Fish & Game sticker affixed to the Wizie. Wow, just $110 fine though. I was hoping for a 110K fine. I cannot stand that SOB. It is my hope that the extremely fine Johnathan Hillstrand turned him in but one can only hope.
Speaking of the aforementioned Cpt. Johnathan it appears that someone has spent an entire weekend with him yet did not engage in any activities with him and took him to the airport but does not keep in touch with him but her friends do. That is quite strange. I would have slept with him. There would have been no question about it and my friends would not be keeping in touch with him, I would be. Hell, if I were to meet him, I'd sleep with him and I'm a married woman. It is much easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. Just ask my husband.
Looks like if someone's retirement paperwork does not get processed soon, he will be returning to Afghanistan pronto. I'm a bit torn. I'm worried that he won't be able to get a job even though everyone says he will have no trouble but I don't want him to deploy again either.
Well, watched Sarah Palin's show from Homer. No Time Bandit though.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Some Deadliest Catch News

Well, whatever is going on with the Cornelia Marie-they're are done fishing for this season. I don't think it was too profitable either. They didn't even fish Red King Crab, they fished Blue and they weren't out long at all. I wonder what is going on there. I don't think they're even going out in January for the opilio season so I wonder where that puts the Harris boys and their crew.
The Time Bandit has completed their Red King Quota early once again and are already home, wherever that is. I'm finding some pretty interesting things out about those Hillstrand boys. Anyway, if I was single, but I'm not. I'm finding these things out from other people but while it's interesting, it's also not surprising. Mid-life crisis I guess.
I cannot believe it is already the middle of November. Where does the time go to?