Friday, September 29, 2006

And another thing . . .

Yesterday I heard this stupid commercial on tv on Darfur asking when President Bush was going to do something about it. Do what? What did Clinton do for Rawanda? We don't have enough military to send to freaking Darfur. Why doesn't George Clooney and all those Hollywood assholes form their own French Foriegn Legion and go over there and take care of that situation if it bothers him so much. He gets about 20 mil a movie and Oprah also has more money then God and if they pull their resources can they outfit their own little mercenary army and go there. Why do we have to send our people. These people have no real respect for the military anyway and besides Clooney has played military roles in movies he can do the same thing since he thinks he's such a freaking expert. I'm sick to death of Darfur. If my husband should ever get sent there my ass will be out protesting but I doubt I'll see any of the usual suspects out there with me.

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