Sunday, February 27, 2011

So what to think

Sometimes I cannot believe I will soon be 47 years old. I don't believe it. Sometimes I think I'm still 8 years old and I'm dreading summer coming and spending it at the Sherwood Club; being dropped off at 10:00 with my brother with enough money for lunch and a pop or two, knowing that I have to try to get one of the light colored pallets for my towel, listening to WLS and the Eagles "One of the these Nights", Paul McCartney & Wings "Band on the Run", Hues Corp. "Rock the Boat", etc. Summers at the Sherwood Club with people I absolutely could not stand and waiting until 4:oo when we'd get picked up. Everyday the same thing until school started again and the hell of St. Michael's would await. God, I hated Schererville, IN.

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