Sunday, October 01, 2006

It's October!

Yea!!!! October is here which means that in a month my husband should be home with his little family. I am so anxious. I can't wait to see him. I know he will be changed from when he left. I was talking about this with his Grandmother who is more like his mother and we both agreed that Michael will be different. I am a bit apprehensive as I worry about asking him too much about what's going on. Having decided myself that I was too much of a wimp to continue with ROTC I don't know that I really have the right to ask. Looking back I guess I should have but would it have brought me to where I am now? Probably not. I did kiss a lot of frogs before I found the handsome Prince and even though we don't have a million dollar home I think we've done well together. Would I have liked to have been married at a younger age, yes, but I also would have not been happy in the long run with any of those who wanted to marry me. At the time I questioned if I had made the right decision. Where I stand now, 10 years later I know I did. I also know that sometimes you just got to cut lose those who bring you down. A lesson I wish my cousin Julie would learn. I talked about this with Octavia and she agreed that toxic boyfriends are the worse and don't leave you open to meet those who are right for you. It's only when we cut the cord to those who do us harm do we realise that there is the one waiting for you. You just have to find him. He was on page 12 for me. I can't wait till the end of the month. I will be on pins and needles until then. Tomorrow I go back to the gym no matter how crappy I feel. Right now I have a sore throat and can't talk. Too bad for me. I talk too much anyway.

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