Monday, February 06, 2006

Some late, great friends of ours & other musings

Well today I had to take MC up to Tripler for her school physical. I have to take her back on Weds. to have her tb test check. I hate Tripler. Not only do you have to go down there but you also have to hope the Parking Lot Gods smile on you. Today wasn't too bad but then I couldn't get the double stroller out. Mr. Man was crazy all day. He enjoyed Gymboree but we have to suspend it for a month and we will return on the 13th, the same day the little miss starts school. I need to get her supplies together. Michael called while we were at the Pink Palace but I couldn't talk to him because there is no signal and I really didn't get to talk to him at all today. I guess he's really busy.
Today I posted some pictures of our old pets-Felix or Fe the Cat and Scarlett the dog. I really miss those two little kids. They were great animals and kept my occupied while Michael was in Kosovo. I wish we had a pet but with two little ones it would be impossible. Plus the heat. I can't wait until we move. I wonder where we will be moving to and what kind of house we can afford. It all depends on where we go. We can get a small mansion in some places or an absolute dump in others.
I'm so glad that the class is over.
I have to take the kids to get their pictures done tomorrow. That should provide quite a story to tell.
Till tomorrow then!

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