Saturday, June 10, 2006

I hate stuck up people

Well today we went to the yoga class and I am going ot complain about that instructor. She's ocd because my yoga mat wasn't straight and she made a big deal about coming over and saying it was driving her nuts. Then this Japanese girl who came in late said "Oh, I'm with you, this was driving me bonkers!". Well, I'll tell you what drives me bonkers is people like that girl and that other woman who come in late, crowd my space and then that other older woman sounds like she's having an orgasm. I'm about as flexible as a 2 X 4 and thought I had made that clear to Christine last week but I am trying to get into shape and thought that by going to this class it would help me become more flexible (something hubby complains about) and help me learn to breath to relax more. Well, then they were doing something and I couldn't do it because I'M NOT FLEXIBLE! Then Christine says "it doesn't work if you don't do it right". Well the reason I can't do it right is because I'M NOT FLEXIBLE. So I did the best I could, got up and left. I then went over to the desk and changed the appointment I had for childcare from next Saturday to Tuesday and then I'll be stuck in traffic for an hour but that's okay. When I go on Monday I am going to ask if they plan on doing a beginning yoga class for people like me who aren't flexible and people who weigh more than the two pounder who gives the class or the five pounders in the class.
Well, I didn't hear from hubby all day and I always worry when I don't. He was listed as being on line all day until the last hour or so and now he's off. I worry and wish I didn't. We did go to church today and made it through the Gospel. For a change it was MC who was acting up. She was tired today and I think that was what was wrong with her. John was pretty good.
Well, till tomorrow then!

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