Friday, March 24, 2006

Friday and once again I can't figure out how to record Michael's show

Well it's Friday and once again the job of recording Michael's shows isn't done. I can't figure it out. I am trying but to no avail. His son is screaming because the Wiggles aren't on. I don't know how to work this stupid thing and JPM doesn't want to watch the Wiggles on the computer. NOt sure what to do.
I guess Michael is stumped as to what I did with the computer. I heard from him early this morning but none since then. I wish we could talk to him.
I am tired of the Wiggles. I really am. Barney too! I think the kids don't like Mr. Rogers anymore. He's kinda slow but I guess his message is still good. It was good enough for me but I guess they want something snazzier.
Well, in 11 months more or less Michael should be home. He will be in the middle east for a month tomorrow. I need to get going on my exercise program again. I have done nothing since we returned. In fact the treadmill has a bunch of stuff on it. I need to get my butt in gear.
Well, I am hoping to get a good nights sleep tonight. I have a jumping bean son sitting here dancing in his crib. I can tell you he's a wonderful little boy but a handful. MC had a good day I think. She's so sweet. I need to get out there and spend sometime with her. I feel like she feels a bit left out.
Till tomorrow then.

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