Saturday, April 22, 2006

Another exciting Saturday-not

Well, the good news is got a text message from hubby this morning at about 4:30. i was happy to get it! It was the only communication I received from him all day. It's now about 9:35 a.m. over there. I wonder what he's up to. I saw on the news today where 5 soldiers died when their vehicle ran over an IED. I thought all these things were supposed to be uparmoured to prevent that. Oh, that's right, I forgot, the Los Angeles Times told everyone in the world how they did that and that gave they insurgents ideas how to make their bombs better so that they could return to killing more soldiers. Freedom of the Press, you gotta love it. I think we need to go back to the days of WW2 when they had some decency-if they didn't their asses landed in jail. Or the Civil War when the Great Emancipator took away habeas corpus and threw all kinds of people in jail just for doing their "so called Patriotic duty" by speaking out. That's what that asshole john kerry said today. If he should per chance be our next president I will take every opportunity to protest his or any other democrats action involving our troops. It will be the patriotic thing to do.
Till tomorrow then!

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