Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Wow, I just spent $80 to get my daughter's offical birth certificate from the Commonwealth of VA. I guess I went through the wrong service--yeah I guess. Also, I tried to order a birth certificate for our son here in HI and they said there was no record. Well, we need a SS# for the little fella so we can do our taxes. Looks like we will be doing them much later this year. I needed MC's for school.
She's asleep and he's awake watching "Clifford the Big Idiot Dog". Clifford needed a lobotomy . . .
Well there was an article that appeared yesterday from some LA Times lib who said he didn't support the troops and basically they were basically no better than the terrorists, that they have a free will to revolt from this "illegal war". Only problem is not sure if the article was tongue in cheek or legit. While I don't know about that article I do know that liberals have no manners as exhibited by their display yesterday at Georgetown (a Catholic university too) when Alberto Gonzalez the AG was there. All I know is our little boy better not grow up to be a lib.
So, I haven't really heard from Michael today except for his request for my internet log on info. I don't know how he is doing. I guess he's doing okay and right now I am doing okay too. But I also realize that he's still here in the good old USA.
I know that within the next 4-5 weeks he will probably be there. Then I guess I will really start to worry. I talked to my mother today and she told me that family friends, the Schweitzers will be praying for him and lighting candles too. I sent some money in to light candles at Andrean for him. I did that while he was in Kosovo too. By the way why were/are we in Kosovo? I don't see those peaceniks protesting that? Losers. Next time we have a democrat in office and my husband gets sent somewhere you can bet your butt I'll be out there protesting that action. Just because I can.
I also have to start buying a bunch of supplies for Mary Catherine to take to school. There is just so much she has to have: sleeping bag, back pack, pj's, tooth brush, cup, toothpaste, all kinds of stuff. Some more chaching.
Well, I may write more later. I need to figure out what I want for dinner.

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